Persona implementation using Java, the whole story

Lluis Turró Cutiller
java persona

I decided to publish Persona implementation mainly because wasn't as easy as explained in Persona site. Also because is lacking of Java code, at least, Java code with no-so-much dependencies.

Follow the instructions found in Quick Setup at Persona site. Notice that the instructions provide best practices for including Persona dependencies. When finished, come back here and prepare for Persona implemented in your Java code.

Lets begin with the easy part, the Java Script code. This is the persona.js file. The example uses JQuery.

/*stands for context path on servlets nomenclature*/
var webRoot = ""; 
/*persona wants to know who is signed in*/
var currentMail = null; 
/*for app servers running on different ports*/
var webPort = 80; 
/*did user signed in without persona*/
var internalSignIn = false;
/*should we reload current page */
var reloadSignIn = false; 

$(document).ready(function() {
  if(!internalSignIn) {{
      loggedInUser: currentMail,
      onlogin: function(assertion) {
          type: 'POST',
          url: webRoot + '/auth/login', 
          port: webPort,
          data: {assertion: assertion},
          success: function(res, status, xhr) { 
            if(reloadSignIn) { 
              window.location.href = window.location.href; 
          error: function(xhr, status, err) {
      onlogout: function() {
          type: 'POST',
          url: webRoot + '/auth/logout', 
          port: webPort,
          success: function(res, status, xhr) { 
            window.location.href = window.location.href; 
          error: function(xhr, status, err) {  }

Notice the use of some variables that will make your coding more useful in the long term. OK, now we dive into their use and how to get them initialized: