
Elephant Calendars are a full set of events, generated from application entities. Unlike Activity, calendars also contain future events and a relevant subset of the activity.

Calendars intention is to gather, in a temporal element, information about entities, display a summary and a link to the entity.

Calendar content

Calendars can be configured to show different content, and related-content. To understand what to expect from a Calendar, depending on the context where it's shown, see the tables below:

Type Description
Non-related Displays application-wide events, as configured (See Calendar entities)
Entity-related Displays entity-related events. For instance, if it's a category calendar, it will only show events related to that category.
Type Description
Public Displays public events. Includes Non-related and Entity-related calendars.
With target Displays public events, plus those specific to the target user, usually the one currently authenticated. Includes Non-related and Entity-related calendars.

Calendar entities

Each Non-related Calendar can be configured to display certain entities. The entities that can be configured are:

Entity Description
Publications Exposes publications as events using publication date.
Issues Exposes issues as events using modification date.
Convocations Exposes convocations as events using call date.
Services Exposes services as events using start date.

Calendar popups

Calendar popups are user conscious, showing only what is allowed to see by the target user. If allowed, users can see full detail in the user area, or the corresponding context if configured. For admins, when appropriate, also a link to the application.

Standard calendars provided

Some calendars are provided out-of-the-box, as part of the application functionality.

Calendar Description
User calendar Available at the user area, on Networking -> Calendar. This calendar is Non-related and With-target.
  • Provides all the entities in a single place.
  • Includes a link to integrate the calendar events into another calendar software.
Category calendar Part of projects, Entity-related to the selected category or all.
Noticeboard Part of the Noticeboard, Entity-related to services.
Public calendar Non-related and usually part of the landing page.

Calendar for admins

Admins have full access to calendar events using BaaS -> Session -> Calendar.

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English04/17/24 01:08Lluís Turró Cutiller