Single Sign On

Turró.Org BaaS has a self-hosted unique SSO method. Only affects BaaS users and the implementation isn't provided as standard. Developers can implement their own methods by using the IElephantSSO interface.

Relevant features

  • Keep me signed feature, substitutes the Remember me.
  • Keeps client signature across multiple sessions.
  • Users will be able to sign out remotely from multiple equipments.
  • Users will be able to track their activity.

Differences when using SSO

  • Password is never remembered when using SSO.
  • After three months of inactivity, SSO assertions will be removed and user forced to introduce the password.
  • Major changes on browsers may invalidate an SSO session. User wil be required to re-authenticate.
  • Live links became optional and no longer a default option.

The flow

English03/07/19 09:55Lluís Turró Cutiller
English01/27/22 06:45Lluís Turró Cutiller