
Elephant Configurator is a file based configuration tool. The main intention is to encapsulate Elephant site properties. The tool uses a map of keys, values, contextual help and triggers. This is a list of keys, and their use within Elephant based modules, including the BrightSide libraries. This feature is only available to superuser.

Beta feature
Since this feature is still in beta stage, some keys may not be implemented. Use with care.
Key Description Default
Alliance.Client.Grants.ReadServers Disables server-reading Project Grants when false true
Appearance.Color.Primary Primary color, should be set to stylesheet primary color, can be used in Wmacros with color, as primary
Appearance.Color.Secondary Secondary color, should be set to stylesheet secondary color, can be used in Wmacros with color, as secondary
Appearance.Color.C1 Free definition, can be used in Wmacros with color, as c1
Appearance.Color.C2 Free definition, can be used in Wmacros with color, as c2
Appearance.Color.C3 Free definition, can be used in Wmacros with color, as c3
Authentication.AllowCenters Disables centers from authenticate when false false
Authentication.AllowCompanies Disables companies from authenticate when false false
Authentication.AllowLiveLinks Disables LiveLinks when false true
Contact.Relation.Professional.Autovalidate Professional relations will auto-validate when true false
Contact.Relation.Student.Autovalidate Student relations will auto-validate when true false
Context.Mobile.Path When defined, enables a different landing for mobile devices
Directory.Networking.Access.BasicRoles Basic roles for accessing directories @admin:is|@patron:on|@partner:on
Directory.Networking.Access.PremiumRoles Premium roles for accessing premium features @admin:is|@patron:on|@partner:on
Directory.Networking.Centers.ListedRoles Center's roles in order to be listed @center:is
Directory.Networking.Companies.ListedRoles Company's roles in order to be listed @company:is
Directory.Networking.Entities.ListedRoles Company or Center roles in order to be listed @company:is|@center:is
Directory.Networking.ListedRoles Contact's roles in order to be listed @natural:is|@responsible:is
Directory.Networking.Professionals.ListedRoles Contact's roles in order to be listed @worker:is|@responsible:is
Dossier.View.DaysToBeNew Maximum days passed since created or changed phase, to be considered new 30
Profile.Documents.Maximum Defines the maximum public documents per profile 3
Profile.Suggest.Company Suggests improving company or center description false
Profile.Suggest.Image Suggests users to add the avatar to the profile false
Profile.Suggest.Professional.Documents Suggests adding public documents to professional's profile false
Profile.Suggest.Relation Strongly suggests users to add a relation false
Profile.Suggest.Skills Suggests users to add skills false
Profile.Suggest.Student.Documents Suggests adding public documents to student's profile true
Service.New.AllowRoles Contact's roles to be able to publish @partner:on
Service.New.AllowSingle Allows unrelated contacts to publish false
Service.Question.AllowRoles Contact's roles to be able send questions @partner:on|@patron:on
Service.Recipients.Roles Contact's roles that will receive notifications @admin:is|@partner:on|@patron:on|@guest:on
SignUp.Allow Disables creating new accounts when false true
SignUp.AllowRelations Enables creating a relation for new accounts when true false
SignUp.Default.SocialGroup Sets de default social group for new accounts guest
SignUp.TellSomeone.Allow Disables the 'Tell someone' feature when false true
Site.Name Sets de site name
Site.Domain Forces the site to work with this domain. Important when using SSL.
Site.Description Sets site description.
Site.Keywords Sets site keywords.
Site.Fonts Loads fonts from G-Fonts. Lato
Site.Icon Icon absolute URL.
Site.Locales Sets site locales, usually the same as in ROOT context.
Site.Files Site internal files.
Site.Encoding Site encoding. ISO-8859-1
Site.TemplatesRoot Templates root. templates-semantic
Site.UseSSL Use SSL (requires certificate) false
English05/04/24 06:46Lluís Turró Cutiller
English05/24/24 16:04Lluís Turró Cutiller
English09/24/24 10:45Lluís Turró Cutiller