Overriding templates

To understand the override mechanism used by the Elephant library you need to understand how templates are found. By default, ElephantMarker searches templates in /WEB-INF/elephant/[templates_root]/[context]/[name]Template.html, being context and name variables. templates_root is defined in /elephant/conf/site.xml configuration file.

Provided the templates_root is templates-semantic, a context and a name, Elephant will first search /WEB-INF/elephant/templates-semantic/site/[context]/[name]Template.html and, if no file existed, in /WEB-INF/elephant/templates-semantic/[context]/[name]Template.html.

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English09/03/14 12:29Lluís Turró Cutiller
English09/15/20 06:52Lluís Turró Cutiller