The Web is moving... we move along.

Lluis Turró Cutiller

With the arrival of the ready-to-use, easy-to-implement AJAX frameworks web sites reworked their concept. From being simple web pages turned into real applications. No matter what the problem is.

We found ourselves developing a financials module that will only run within a browser. No installation required. No executables... God! No executables!

Thus, Elephant reached version 4.0 as a major realease. And things have changed. Using the splendid ZK, the BrightSide Workbench remastered the whole concept of what an Elephant web site is. In a single desktop with multiple panels, users can create their operational space. Create new documents, browse among the existing ones. Check today's work, or foresee planned tasks. Find people, follow their relation with other contacts. Plan which task to do next and which resource to be used.

For already a couple of years we stopped developing software that needed to be natively executed in client computers. Now the process spans from a dedicated server to a client browser, with the Internet as the unique nexus.

Can't describe how happy I am.
