Does Google+'s Circles have correspondence with BrightSide Contacts' social groups?

Lluis Turró Cutiller

Was amazing to discover Google+ Circles. Despite some people claiming that Google+ force users to use their real names instead of a pseudonim, I think Google contacts is sound and Circles a beatiful idea. And if dealing with real identities, still better. Is such a good idea that integrating BrightSide Contacts with Google Apps and Social Groups with Circles is taking a more defined picture.

Apart of the single sign-on feature, Google is giving a common place for contacts, synchronized with Android devices. With Circles you have multiple FB in a single account. 

You might call it a dream, but I prefer a more conventional planning the future. Time will tell. By now, I think Google+ Circles is compelling, well-thought and bet for it. Again, time will tell.


blai 29/7/11
100% d'acord