Document repository, the enterprise registry

New & Noteworthy
Lluis Turró Cutiller
documents financials

While the purchase system grows in the ERP module, Financials documents are stressed to its maximum. I stop by to clear my mind and, amid words, better understand the whole.

The way resource and product movements get reflected on the enterprise accounting system, is quite special in the BrightSide Financials way. Stores are attached to departments and services through contracts. Information about cost centers and business lines, go down the line, to Financials registry. Even more, a relation is saved along using the RelatedPaths API. The next Financials release will feature having lines locked by external sources, in this case: the purchasing system.

Documents served online through contract interventions, an approach to a document self-service

New & Noteworthy
Lluis Turró Cutiller
contracts documents

Everything started as a Resource Planning feature. Human resources could be operators from external providers, owning aptitudes as normal human resources do. Financials came in help providing contract interventions and yes, you guess it, one of them was the operator intervention. But, why stop it there? As if in a feverish interventionism, we added titulars, usufructuaries, legal representatives and others. So, did we stop then? No!

Better related documents, follow-up relations and wiped out portfolio jerks

New & Noteworthy
Lluis Turró Cutiller
documents financials

New BrightSide Financials 1.3 will come with some improvements in document relations. Documents follow a relation plan, described in contract models, especifically in model's workflows. Financials shows the full set of relations a document has and allows relating with a single click.