Elephant introduces the Sendable attribute, plenty to discover

New & Noteworthy
Lluís Turró Cutiller

Next Elephant update will include Sendable attributes for some entities. Knowing that those entities already were sent to subscribers / attendees, why introducing a new API?

Sendable, what and why

Sendable has two main attributes, schedule and sent. schedule is a date and time field, representing when the entity should be sent. sent is set to TRUE when the entity has been sent. Sendable has also a list of SendableAssistant. The function of this list is the possibility to add recipients when sending.

Sendable was mainly added to schedule sending a Convocation. When programming a convocation, the assistant list is replaced by the convocation list of attendees.

Sendable attributes for a convocation.

Sendable on publications

Publications already have a sending method that suits perfectly for most cases. We should we use Sendable when we have a private category publication, with an always varying number of subscribers. We can keep the category with no subscribers and use Sendable assistants instead.

Differences between category sending method and Sendable



Mail subject is category related, since the message body can contain more than one publication.

Mail subject is the publication title.

Recipients are controlled by the category.

Recipients are Sendable assistants, unique for this publication.

The mail queue controls when publication are sent, taking into account user options when public.

The mail is sent as state in schedule attribute.

Sendable attributes for a publication.

To make these differences more effective, category subscribers aren't included in Sendable assistants.

How it works?

Sendable depends on the Elephant Mail Queue task, concretely with the ON_GENERATED option. Every time it checks for queue messages does check for Sendable past due. For normal configurations, nothing needs to be done.

What comes next

Sendable will be included in more entities and we'll be listening to user feedback. Keep connected!

Tomcat virtual hosting with SSL

Lluís Turró Cutiller
ssl tomcat

This 2018 I needed to install an SSL Certificate for a web application. Since Tomcat 9 features virtual hosted web application with differentiated SSL hosts, the next step were easy to guess: move to Java 10 plus Tomcat 9 and make use of these new features. This article goes about the process to its final ending, this web site.

First issues when migrating

Java 9 and above no longer include JAXB. Simply add the JAXB library to Tomcat 9.

Tomcat 9 no longer put the final slash to the URL (does not redirect). Modify conf/context.xml to include mapper attributes:

<Context ... 


  • Tomcat 9, although I've been told 8.5 also supported SSL host virtualization.
  • Java 8 or higher. This example has been tested with Java 10.

Elements used for this article

  • This web site, an open source web application.
  • A Comodo Essential Certificate.
  • A full weekend

Asking for the certificate

If you already have a certificate you may want to skip this part. Otherwise, buy a certificate and continue.

First thing the provider ask for is a Certificate Signing Request. Lets generate one:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out [yourdomain].csr -keyout [yourdomain].key -subj "/C=[country]/ST=[state]/L=[city]/O=[organization]/OU=[department]/CN=[domain]"




This will be the file name. For example www_domain_whatever, in my case www_turro_org.


Two uppercase letters of your country, see ISO 3166-1.


Your state or province, as is.


Your city.


Your organization name.


Department managing de certificate.


As for Comodo Essential, the domain will apply to www.[domain] and [domain] as longer as you use www..

Recomendation: use www.domain, in my case www.turro.org.

Once executed, this command generated two files, yourdomain.csr and yourdomain.key. The CSR file is the Certificate Signing Request, and is the first thing you will need to provide when asking your certificate. The second is the Private Key. Keep them both in a secure place.

Installing the certificate into a keystore

If everything has gone well, you now have a response from the Certification Provider and some certificates in you hard disk. Copy them where you saved previous generated files, CSR and private key. If you followed the instructions, you private key is stored in [yourdomain].key file.

Now, one of the certificates you received is your certificate. The rest are called root certificate and chain certificates.

Change to convenient format

First thing we'll do is convert your private key and your certificate to PKCS12 format. Don't bother now as to why we use this format, I want a single keystore to include the whole bunch of certificates to simplify Tomcat configuration, and it turns out that Tomcat NIO likes this format. So, have it.

openssl pkcs12 -export -in [yourcertificate] -inkey [yourdomain].key -name [yourdomain] -out [yourdomain].p12




Your certificate is one of those the certification provider sent you. As for Comodo, my certificate was www_turro_org.crt, so it was easy to point out which one was mine.


This will be the file name. For example www_domain_whatever, in my case www_turro_org.

Import private key and certificates into the keystore

This step creates a new keystore file.

keytool -importkeystore -destkeypass [password] -destkeystore [yourdomain].keystore -srckeystore [yourdomain].p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass [password]

Now, add the root and chain certificates. Bellow the example with Comodo certificates. You may follow instructions provided for your own certificate provider. Notice that the only pattern used is alias equal to certificate file minus extension.

keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias AddTrustExternalCARoot -file AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt -keystore [yourdomain].keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias COMODORSAAddTrustCA -file COMODORSAAddTrustCA.crt -keystore [yourdomain].keystore
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA -file COMODORSADomainValidationSecureServerCA.crt -keystore [yourdomain].keystore

If you followed the instructions, you have a keystore named [yourdomain].keystore with everything required by Tomcat.

Installing the keystore

Let's explain something about Tomcat. Tomcat has a single Connector for SSL configuration. Once you configure your keystore, it will be available by all the web application installed, but will only certificate your domain. So, where SSL hosting virtualization is?

Don't panic, there is SSL hosting virtualization. You achieve the goal by creating SSLHostConfig elements with hostName attribute set to match one of the Host elements its name attribute. One of them will need to be the defaultSSLHostConfigName attribute in the Connector element. Messy? See the server.xml example with the values we used:

<Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"

    <SSLHostConfig hostName="[domain]">
        <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="[yourdomain].keystore"




<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="[domain]">

  <Host name="[domain]"  appBase="/anyfolder" 
        unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false">



Let's suppose we followed the steps with [domain2] values. The server.xml will look like:

<Connector port="443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"

    <SSLHostConfig hostName="[domain]">
        <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="[yourdomain].keystore"

    <SSLHostConfig hostName="[domain2]">
        <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="[yourdomain2].keystore"




<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="[domain]">

  <Host name="[domain]"  appBase="/anyfolder" 
        unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false">

  <Host name="[domain2]"  appBase="/anyfolder2" 
        unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false">



Now everything is more clear. [domain] is the default SSL configuration, but when somebody visits [domain2] there is a match between SSLHostConfig its hostName attribute and Host its name attribute. Thus, [yourdomain2].keystore will be used.

Restart your Tomcat and... That's all!

El servei BaaS rep una nova actualització aquest mes de maig

New & Noteworthy
Lluís Turró Cutiller

No ha donat temps de provar els avantatges del Java SE 9 que Oracle ja ha llençat la nova Java Standard Edition 10. Això junt amb les noves característiques del servidor d'aplicacions, complint amb l'especificació Servlet 4.0 de la darrera versió Java Enterprise Edition 8. Emocionant tot plegat.

El servei BaaS s'actualitzarà en breu amb aquestes darreres versions. Ja es va preparar aquest Nadal passat, quan s'actualitzaren totes les llibreries del servei, i serà una realitat aquest mes de maig a tots els serveis BaaS.

De quins avantatges es nodrirà el servei?

De tots els avantatges propis de la màquina virtual, destacant potser el Parallel Full Garbage Collector. De les millores en el codi compilat, operacions concurrents i execucions en paral·lel.

Però potser la part més vistosa són les millores en les keystores per a certificats digitals i l'encriptació TLS. Aquestes es propaguen fins el servidor d'aplicacions, permetent allotjar certificats en serveis BaaS compartits. Mai haurà estat tan fàcil tenir un domini segur amb https.

Tinc que fer alguna cosa?

Res. El servei s'actualitzarà un cop hagi passat la fase beta en producció. Els clouds s'actualitzaran i es re-iniciaran en horaris nocturns i en cap de setmana.

Si tens algun dubte respecte l'actualització o els certificats digitals pel teu domini, contacta suport@turro.org.

Elephant goes social

New & Noteworthy
Lluís Turró Cutiller

Next release of the Elephant libraries will come with formatting support for social networks. The goal is achieved by generating Open Graph metas.

The user is in full control

Images can be socialized by simply following the instructions in http://www.turro.org/docs/elephant/components/social. For publications, images will be selected using the conventions described in http://www.turro.org/docs/brightside/publications/conventions.

How does it look like?

Twitter example

Whatsapp example

Facebook example

Google Drive canvia el model Mac/PC pel File Stream

Customer Relationship
Lluís Turró Cutiller

Google Drive per a Mac/PC es desactiva definitivament el 12 de maig de 2018. Tots els usuaris que el facin servir com eina de sincronització hauran de migrar a File Stream de Drive.

File Stream de Drive és una nova aplicació per a Mac o PC que et permet accedir a tots els teus arxius de Google Drive des de l'ordinador al mateix temps que s'estalvia espai en disc i es redueix el temps de sincronització.

Com funciona?

Amb File Stream de Drive pots:

  • Veure ràpidament tots els teus arxius de Google Drive a Finder o en l'Explorador de Windows (incloses les unitats d'equip).
  • Explorar i organitzar els arxius de Google Drive sense haver de descarregar-los tots a l'ordinador.
  • Triar quins arxius o carpetes voleu que estiguin disponibles fora de línia.
  • Obrir arxius en aplicacions com Microsoft Office i Adobe Photoshop.

Què he de fer per començar?

Visita el Centre d'Ajuda de Drive per instal·lar File Stream de Drive i començar a utilitzar aquesta aplicació.